Contact Us

Get in touch

Feel free to contact us for any questions or doubts but first review the frequently asked questions.


  1. How much does it cost?
    Answer: Talk to the director Precious at 779-5378-6165. Fees are subject to change due to Rockford Phoenix Cheerleading Club being a non for profit organization we are always attempting to receive grants and donations to help with cost.
  2. How many days a week do you practice?
    Answer: Typically 3 days of practice at Kenrock Community Center and 1 day of tumbling at Wight Tumbling Academy.
  3. How old do you have to be?
    Answer: Athletes are accepted from ages 6-14
  4. Do I have to travel?
    Answer: Yes, however, the farthest location from Rockford has been Aurora area.
  5. How do I sign up?
    Answer: All of the form are located on the website. First join the team then sign up for a membership. After you sign up for the membership you will need to sign the waiver, adult and minor photo release. Once your membership is approved you will have to sign the code of conduct and hand book.

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